Empowering kids, teens and adults in Colorado to be confident and safe.
Welcome to
Kidpower Colorado
Kidpower Colorado is the local center of Kidpower Teenpower Fullpower International, a nonprofit global leader in personal safety and violence prevention education since 1989. The Colorado Center was established in 1994 to provide comprehensive safety education skills to children ages 3-18 and their families. Kidpower’s mission is to teach young people personal safety and confidence-building skills to reduce their risk of abduction, assault and emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Our programs are known worldwide for being positive, practical, safe and age-appropriate.

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Who Kidpower Serves
Does Kidpower Work?
Kidpower programs have been studied independently as well as undergoing frequent review to ensure that they align with evidence-based prevention and positive child/youth development best practices. We continue to conduct evaluation studies in order to ensure that our services accomplish our objectives, have lasting impact for our participants, and maintain a high level of quality as we grow.