Each day in schools, homes, workplaces, neighborhoods, and communities—online and off—countless people are harmed by prejudice and discrimination.
Common types of prejudice are often about race, gender, sexuality and gender identity, religion, age, disability, socioeconomic status, nationality and ethnicity, appearance, and weight. Sometimes these forms of prejudice and discrimination may intersect.
Prejudice and discrimination can have far-reaching and harmful consequences that can manifest on various levels, including psychological, social, economic, and political. Discrimination can also result in health disparities including heath care inequities and stress-related health issues. Discrimination can be passed down through generations, perpetuating inequalities and limiting opportunities for future generations.
We each have the power to take action that can help prevent or reduce harm for ourselves, our loved ones, and others. Kidpower and Teenpower workshops include content to help young people develop the awareness and skills needed to challenge bullying, teasing, and prejudice. This includes making safety plans, de-escalating conflict, being clear with boundaries, identifying and managing emotional triggers, using emotional safety tools, and getting help from appropriate sources.
Kidpower’s commitment to the safety and well-being of all children drives our core values. Since our beginning we have valued the principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion because we know that these principles are essential to help kids feel safe, valued, and respected.
Use our resources and workshops to build protection skills, intervene when safe, and advocate for yourself and others in the face of prejudice, discrimination, and its resulting harm.