We Honor:
Annie Kurtz, 1978-2020
The Kidpower family lost a brilliant light on 11/9/20. Annie Schepers Kurtz trained thousands of young people during her 9 years as a Kidpower instructor. She leaves a powerful and enduring legacy. She was passionate about the safety and well-being of all children and was a fierce advocate for those in need.
Annie’s face lit up when she was teaching Kidpower. Kids, parents, and school staff loved her and her Kidpower colleagues loved working with her. She was also a school professional in D49 and an extraordinary coach.
Her most treasured role was as loving wife to Brian Kurtz, also a valued Kidpower instructor and firefighter/paramedic with CSFD, and devoted mom to three amazing children, Emma, Ashley, and Kiley. The Kurtz family is adored by many in our community and all of us at Kidpower wrap Brian and his girls in love always.