The Merilee and Tyler Forsyth Fund was established to honor the memory of Jean and Mert Forsyth’s beloved daughter and grandson. The fund is used to support Kidpower’s work with young people with disabilities.
Jean has been an instrumental volunteer with Kidpower for many years and Jean and Mert are valued members of the Kidpower family. Merilee was also a supporter of Kidpower through her love of Kidpower’s signature fundraising event, The Chocoholic Frolic. She spread the word to everyone she knew and would invite a new friend to the event every year. Merilee passed away in 2023 after a 13 year remission from pancreatic cancer. She was truly a miracle.
Merilee’s son Tyler took a Kidpower workshop as a young boy. The class helped him navigate through his 26 years of autism. Tyler passed away in 2019.
Merilee and Tyler were a tremendous joy to their friends and family.
If you would like to support the Merilee and Tyler Forsyth Fund click here.