What We Do
Kidpower offers comprehensive safety education programs in several formats. Kidpower values collaboration and is proud to have partnered with more than 200 agencies, organizations and schools in our community.
Every child and teen can benefit from Kidpower and Teenpower programs.
Kidpower programs are developmentally and culturally appropriate. Kidpower classes locally have been delivered in English, Spanish and Sign Language.

Who We Are
Since inception, the program has steadily grown in terms of programs offered, certified staff, and volunteer involvement. In 1994, 164 individuals were served.
To date, more than individuals have received safety training and Kidpower has collaborated with more than 200 schools, agencies and organizations. Additionally, hundreds of thousands more have benefited from our training for educators, social service agency staff, law enforcement officials and parents, and from our educational resources.
In 2024, the El Paso County Board of Health issued a Proclamation officially recognizing Kidpower Colorado for 30 years of service in our community.
Kidpower Colorado is a local center of Kidpower International, a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established in California in 1989 and directed by Irene van der Zande. Kidpower’s safety and confidence-building training has reached millions of children, teens, and adults worldwide.

Where We Are
Kidpower Colorado’s offices are co-located in The Safe Passage Children’s Advocacy center on the westside of Colorado Springs. This collaborative model, an industry best practice, brings together partner agencies for abuse prevention, investigation, and healing services in one location. Partners include: Safe Passage Children’s Advocacy Center, CSPD Child Crimes Unit, UCHealth, The Family Center, El Paso County DHS, El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, and Kidpower Colorado.
Kidpower has partnered with Safe Passage as its safety education provider since both agencies began in 1994. This exciting model allows Kidpower to best meet the needs of families as their healing begins. As always, Kidpower also continues to prioritize our very important risk reduction/prevention work to help all kids be safe, confident, and strong.